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MyAlloys have teamed up with one of Europe’s leading Space Saver wheel manufacturers to deliver the most comprehensive space saver wheel kit on the market, featuring a space saver wheel, tyre, jack, brace, warning triangle, hi-vis, head torch, kneeling mat, gloves & rain poncho all packaged in simple and tidy bags.
The Problem: No Spare Wheel? Just Slime?
The RoadHero Space Saver Wheel Kit solves a genuine problem – and the demand is high. With wheel-wells getting smaller; and manufacturers opting to save weight by only supplying cars with tyre-slime rather than any form of spare wheel, the need is great. Tyre Slime is one solution, which many are happy to use, but more people demand a genuine wheel replacement to get them home safely. This is where RoadHero comes in.
The Solution: RoadHero

Each RoadHero Space Saver Wheel Kit is engineered for a specific vehicle fitment, not solely relying on PCD & Offset, but also allowing for brake caliper clearance (X-Factor etc). The wheel & tyre size and combination are also specific to the vehicle and each kit will either be direct-fit, or be supplied with the necessary fixings to ensure a perfect fit. The full vehicle range can be seen below:
How can I order a Road Hero?
You will need to know the make, model and year of your vehicle, then contact the MyAlloys Team who will be able to check stock and current pricing.
Find your Road Hero using the vehicle registration look-up here.
Space Saver Wheel & Tyre…
The RoadHero Kit comes with a dedicated space saver alloy wheel option, pre-fitted with a suitable spare tyre.
Everything you need…
The kit contains everything you need in the event of a serious puncture or blowout – including a jack, wheel brace, warning triangle, hi-vis, gloves, head torch, kneeling matt & rain poncho. Original fixings can be used unless otherwise supplied.
Convenient carry bags…
The complete RoadHero kit is conveniently packed into boot carry bags, meaning everything stays together, even if you can’t fit it in the wheel well in your boot.
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