Oulton Park – 3rd August 2022 – JD Racing in the lead!!

Oulton Park – 3rd August 2022 – JD Racing in the lead!!

Oulton Park Race Report  – 3rd August 2022

Qualifying – I managed to get out nice and early which meant I didn’t have any traffic out on track. I managed to put in a few quick laps early on which was crucial as another car dropped oil all over the racing line a few laps in. This worked out in my advantage as none of my competitors had were able to match my lap times, as a result I got two pole positions.

Race 1 – A little too many revs at the start meant I got off the line with a load of wheel spin, as a result of this I dropped down to P2. At turn one I managed to swoop around the outside and re-take the lead. From here I pushed on hard to try and build a gap between myself and second place. Due to an incident further behind me on lap two, a car dropped oil all over the racing line through the second chicane making it incredibly slippery. The rest of my race was pretty lonely at the front, I came across the finish line with the fastest lap and over a 10 second gap between myself and the second place car.


Race 2 – As we were waiting in the assembly area the rain started to fall, this got a few people running around like headless chickens debating if they would need to get the wet tyres on. Thankfully it was just a passing shower, everyone stayed on their dry tyres. I got a better start this time but missed a gear on the run down to the first corner. This saw me drop to P3, but I got the inside line for turn one and got myself back up to P2. From this point the only view I got was of the rear bumper of Josh Bromley, we had a fantastic clean battle for the entire race. As we came across the finish line, I was just 0.25 seconds behind him. I was also able to grab fastest lap again which gives me an extra point for the championship.

Overall it was a great and almost flawless weekend and means that I will be going into the final two races leading the championship by 5 points.

You can watch Joes Second Race here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlrLTK310AM


Don’t forget to follow JD Racing on Instagram and Facebook.


Check out the MG Trophy Championship page here – Welcome to the 2022 MG Trophy Championship – MG Trophy Championship (mgcc.co.uk)

By |2022-11-21T16:31:40+00:00September 7th, 2022|JD Racing|Comments Off on Oulton Park – 3rd August 2022 – JD Racing in the lead!!

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